
has been one of the world’s most revered crystal for many centuries.

From ancient times to modern day living, Amethyst remains a name synonym to luxury and royalty.

The House of Vega Minerals brings to you the most unique Amethyst crystals ever seen before, responsibly sourced from legal mines.

Whatever be your requirement of Amethyst - rough, tumbles, chips, boulders or dust, you can source it from us in desired quantities.

If your interest lies in the finished products of Amethyst, then you can look at our exclusive and extensive collection of Amethyst product like sculptures, artifacts, decor items, slabs, spa products, etc.

If we have been able to pique your interest in any of our products, and you want to know more, then just fill in the form below. We would be delighted to engage with you and take our discussion forward.